Finding the egyptian treasure

Torino, Italy

CŠOD Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti

02:00 h
4 km
 of points
A group of friends passionate about mysteries decide to meet in turin like every afternoon. Then one of them, Giorgio, regular reader at library, while he was reading an ancient manuscript found  a papir which seemed like very old and he decided to show it to his friends hoping that it would be an other mysteri to solve.  Martina, who's dedicated to history, succeded in translating it, and they discover that it's about an ancient egyptian treasure  smuggled out at the beginning of 20th century and than hidden in Turin. It was divided and spread in different places in order to be more difficult to recover. On the map are marked all the places in which all the artifacts were hidden. 
Now the guys have a new mysteri to solve so excited they leave to the first point marked on the map.